In this Marketing Over Coffee learn :
About Generating Traffic, Twitter Defense, Subterfuge! All this and more…
[audio:]Show length 23:40
Brought to you by our sponsor Blue Sky Factory
00:32 Green Day selling new tracks immediately on Rock Band
01:24 Traffic Burst – Hitting the house list, CNN, StumbleUpon
05:57 Dealing with a Twitter Stalker – blocking, disinformation
08:28 Canary Traps, Society for Competitive Intelligence Professionals, tracking competiton – it’s better than Spymaster!
12:41 Guy Kawasaki twitter strategies and "cheating"
14:36 The King of Madison Avenue by Kenneth Roman
15:25 No takers for Matt Cutts meet up, and no word from him.
16:04 JLBraaten asks: What would you do if you were trying to promote an underutilized tweetup in a city with great potential? Hubspot Twitter Grader Geo, Headliners
21:15 Upcoming Event Watch: Podcamp Boston – Register Now, Inbound Marketing Summit, WebInno July, BlogWorld / New Media Expo
22:09 Question of The Week: We push it again: What are your top 5 site promotion tips? Paul Dunay Sent some Facebook Winners
Check us out on LinkedIn: John and Chris
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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters from the Podsafe Music Network.
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top 5 methods:
1. “Press Release” on website
2. House list email of the “PR”
3. Talking points for customer service and sales about announcement
4. Ad in trade journals
5. Work on getting a story about the industry issue in trade journal
top 5 methods:
1. “Press Release” on website
2. House list email of the “PR”
3. Talking points for customer service and sales about announcement
4. Ad in trade journals
5. Work on getting a story about the industry issue in trade journal
Hello gentlemen!
Thanks so much for the tips on live events. As always, you guys have more ideas than one can shake a stick at.
As far as my favorite promotion ideas, here a few that have worked for me:
1) SEO
2) Twitter
3) Commenting on blogs. Referring sites make up about 20% of my traffic at this point, which is nearly entirely made up sites on which I've posted comments. Finding dofollow CommentLuv blogs are gems.
4) Linking to others. People love to promote content that mentions them.
5) Facebook
As you can see, there's not a ton of mind-blowing techniques listed above. Workin on it 😀
Hello gentlemen!
Thanks so much for the tips on live events. As always, you guys have more ideas than one can shake a stick at.
As far as my favorite promotion ideas, here a few that have worked for me:
1) SEO
2) Twitter
3) Commenting on blogs. Referring sites make up about 20% of my traffic at this point, which is nearly entirely made up sites on which I’ve posted comments. Finding dofollow CommentLuv blogs are gems.
4) Linking to others. People love to promote content that mentions them.
5) Facebook
As you can see, there’s not a ton of mind-blowing techniques listed above. Workin on it 😀