In this Marketing Over Coffee:
Lisa Buffo teaches us about the challenges unique to the cannabis industry!
Brought to you by our sponsors: LinkedIn and Trust Insights
What drove the creation of the Cannabis Marketing Association
The problem with compliance
Google and Facebook do not accept ads
Cannabis Influencers on Instagram
9:46 LinkedIn Marketing Solutions is how B2B Marketers and advertisers drive brand awareness and generate leads. It’s the only place where you can find over 610 million user accounts, all business focused, that you can target by title and other selects.
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The burden of Cannabis education is put on the marketers
Will the Colorado model spread to the rest of the nation?
15:37 Trust Insights MVP Progam shows you which pages on your website make conversions happen
Branding challenges in the cannabis industry
Where to start for marketers that want to get into the cannabis industry
How does tax code affect marketing in this space?
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Our theme song is Mellow G by Fonkmasters.
Image by Herbal Hemp from Pixabay