In this Marketing Over Coffee:
Christopher Lochhead on his new book Niche Down, the Entreprenuerial Crisis, and more!
Brought to you by our sponsors: LinkedIn and Swoogo
Prerequisite Listening:
Christopher Lochhead on Play Bigger (Part 1)
Christopher Lochhead on Play Bigger (Part 2) – FIRST TIME AVAILABLE!
Niche Down: How to become legendary by being different
Play Bigger: How Pirates, Dreamers, and Innovators Create and Dominate Markets
Verve Coffee of Santa Cruz on the west, Brooklyn Roasters on the east!
Niching down for the "small e" entrepreneur and how niching affects your career
Zoom goes public
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The current negativity around tech
Brookings Institute study on startups
WSJ Crisis in American Startups
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Prosecuting the magic triangle
What’s holding entrepreneurship back in America?
Why is healthcare tied to employment?
Moving from Legends and Losers to Find Your Different
The rise of the conversational podcast!
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Our theme song is Mellow G by Fonkmasters.