In this Marketing Over Coffee:
Healey Cypher, CEO of Zivelo brings us up to date on retail!

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Brought to you by our sponsors: ahrefs and MarketingProfs

What’s happened since Oak Labs?

The rise of public computing

Hitting the Valley of Death

10:25 We are giving away ahrefs accounts to one listener this week! This week’s winner is Joanna S.! Tweet to @ahrefs and @mktgovercoffee to enter the queue to win, if you don’t win the first week you’ll be entered in subsequent giveaways throughout the quarter!

Also check out the ahrefs Blogging for Business course

The general digitization of physical spaces

What do you do when nobody is using your app?

“Walking into the menu” at McDonald’s

The Single Hand to Shake

17:47 Join Christopher Penn, and 1,000 other B2B marketing leaders — and aspiring leaders– in San Francisco this November for MarketingProfs B2B Marketing Forum.

Over the course of three days, youโ€™ll have access to four inspiring keynotes, 65 sessions, creative networking, and more! The education you get at #mpb2b will change the way you think. The way you work. It’ll be the lever you need to level up your career (and your life). Register at with code B2BCOFFEE to save $200 on your ticket.

When the kiosk recognizes you and forces you to order a cookie

The self aware store

Beyond screens to audio interaction

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Our theme song is Mellow G by Fonkmasters.