In this Marketing Over Coffee:
Learn About Keyword Data, VR, Microsoft Tools and more!

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Brought to you by our sponsors: Templafy and Toptal

Uncover keyword level data with Google sheets

Social Media Earnings Update, LinkedIn silenced, Snap IPO on the horizon

Facebook Media Audit

Templafy is the easy way to keep the whole company on brand in the documents and content they create โ€“ whether theyโ€™re working through Office 365, Google Drive or any other office productivity platform. Your colleagues will have company assets and templates at hand while working in their favorite application, helping them to be more productive and to follow brand guidelines without even thinking about it.

Templafy is offering a free trial to all listeners. Just visit and request your customized free trial. Itโ€™s that simple!

9 Part Enterprise Social Media Strategy

Is VR overkill? – link to Ted Shilowitz interview

Amazon Kindle to Paperback

Amazon Chime – Biba Systems acquihire

Do you need developers or designers? TopTal screens everyone that applies to their network and only the top 3% of the industry make the cut. For more information visit the Marketing Over Coffee LinkedIn group, check out our newsletter or contact me on twitter @johnjwall

Data Studio goes unlimited

Microsoft Teams and Visual Studio Code

Free fonts that are actually cool from Smashing Magazine

Crummy SDR Emails and public shaming

Get episodes early, get the back catalog – get the app!

Our theme song is Mellow G by Fonkmasters.