We’re very excited about Seth featuring Marketing Over Coffee on his blog and as the years have passed we’ve built quite a library of discussions that are among the most popular episodes. Seth fans, here you go!

This is Marketing (2018) – This is a great place to start if you’re not familiar with his work.

The Carbon Almanac (2022) – His most recent work is a collaborative effort on climate change.

The Practice (2020) – A great discussion on the nature of work.

“Linchpin” (2010) this classic 2010 interview on people who make a difference was updated in 2019.

Renormalizing Good Behavior – Catching up after This Is Marketing

Interview on The Marketing Seminar (2017)

Catching up with Seth Godinย (2016)- stop stealing dreams and raising free range kids.

What To Do When It’s Your Turn (2015) A book for people who don’t read books, the end of mass advertising, and the 5th hammer.

Theย Icarus Deception Interviewย  – This is my personal favorite of all his books. There’s also a transcript if you want to forward to someone that’s not into podcasts. (2012)

“We Are All Weird” which also has a transcript. (2011)

A live recording from his session on Tribes (90 minutes!) including another 90 minutes of Q&A (2008)

If you are interested in book publishing, there’s the interview with Steven Pressfield and Ishita Gupta on Seth’s Domino Project (2011).

Seth fans will probably also enjoy Simon Sinek, one of our most popular interviews. Welcome aboard!