Site icon Marketing Over Coffee Marketing Podcast

Snooki on a Bike

In this Marketing Over Coffee:

Learn all about Facebook Timeline Covers and Local Search!

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Show length 26:38

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MarketingProfs University – MarketingProfs University –offers monthly online and on-demand learning courses for B2B and B2C marketers. If you do any kind of marketing writing whatsoever, you need to check out Marketing Writing Bootcamp. Broadcasting from May 10 to 23, you’ll see improvements in your writing after just the first class! There are on-demand courses available as well focusing on email, search, social media, video, and more. Including Paul Gillen and Erika Napoletano!

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00:25 Finally getting around to Apple, industrial grade tethering

01:43 Ron sends in the Facebook Timeline Cover Restrictions

03:13 Facebook shuts down Gowalla, CNN to acquire Mashable?, end of the Encyclopedia Britianica

04:40 Google good vs. evil

06:34 Is SEO dying because of social influence?

10:20 All search has become local – radically different results based on location, it’s all about GeoFencing!

13:02 From the LinkedIn Group: How to sell your site

17:11 Voicemail: Craig makes two killer pitches and talks about shutting off personal results

22:55 Plug for The Beancast

23:30 On the Road John at Cloudforce San Francisco today, come say hello! Blogworld New York coming up next.

25:20 Question of the Week: What are you doing for social powered search?

The MoC Quarterly Report – Get yours today!

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Check us out on LinkedIn: John and Chris.

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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters in the Music Alley from Mevio.

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