In this Marketing Over Coffee:
Learn all about Waze, Trendspotting, and Square!
Show length 27:51
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GOpromos – Get 24 custom mugs for 72 dollars, shipped! Visit (limited to the Lower 48 States).
MarketingProfs University โoffers monthly online and on-demand learning courses for B2B and B2C marketers.ย The next course, starting Feb 9, is Social Media Marketing Fast Track. Learn from Aaron Strout, DJ Waldow, Lauren Vargas and Mitch Joel.
There are on-demand courses available as well focusing on email, writing, search, social media, video, and more.
Go to and use code COFFEE to save $250.
00:40 Waze – The revolution in GPS
06:07 MoC Nominations including the Bill Sell, “Pay as you go nomination”, Derby City ComicCon 3x attendance, the Steve Davis About Me Page, Mike and Eric at ProVolve.
11:11 802.11ac Wireless coming soon
11:44 Monica emails in on Intel Ultrabook, iPad 3?
13:30 From the LinkedIn group – What would you tell High School students about a marketing career, trendspotting
17:43 Carol emails in on Square – 2.75% transaction fee, get your money next day. FC puts Square at #5 most innovative
18:30 MySpace Returns!
19:58 Some analysis on Amazon vs. Self Hosting
23:15 The MoC Quarterly Report – Get yours today! Price Break!
25:20 Lots of heat in the LinkedIn Group
29:00 The Marketing Over Coffee Awards – The Winners announced next week!
25:16 On the road: Blog World New York on the horizon! Chris at MarCom Canada and a webinar with the AMA. Should John do the Run to Home Base?
26:50 Question of the Week: How should John market his Run to Home Base participation?
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Check us out on LinkedIn: John and Chris.
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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters in the Music Alley from Mevio.
Love the show! I was recently promoted to my company’s region marketing director. Searched high and low for a great source of information and also something not boring. You guys are hilarious and keep me well informed. Thanks and keep up the great work!ย
Thanks for the kind words!