In this Marketing Over Coffee:

Learn all about Murketing, Social Media Impact, and Famous Chris!

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Show length 31:03

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00:32 Social Fresh Wrap-Up, 77% of Brand Content is consumer generated

04:46 Chris on the Forbes Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers and Tampons for Bullet Wounds

07:27 Murketing, Will Ferrell and Old Milwaukee

09:41 Forrester insights including couponing

11:37 AV for Planners gets the Promotional Makeover

13:22 Two month social media impact delay

14:48 Chris’ #superbowl flight

19:14 School bus advertising?

21:12 Voicemail bin – Whit says educators want to go iPad

23:03 Thanks for offering to review books

23:44 The MoC Quarterly Report – Get yours today! Price Break! Raco QR Code generator

25:20 Lots of heat in the LinkedIn Group, Ban Hammer Time

29:00 The Marketing Over Coffee Awards – Nominations Now Closed

29:15 On the road: Blog World New York on the horizon!

29:25 Question of the Week: How are you tracking Social Media’s Offline Influence

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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters in the Music Alley from Mevio.