In this Marketing Over Coffee:
Learn all about how iPhones Get Made, PR for Startups and Pay Per Click!
Show length 26:09
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MarketingProfs University โoffers monthly online and on-demand learning courses for B2B and B2C marketers.ย The next course, starting Feb 9, is Social Media Marketing Fast Track. Learn from Aaron Strout, DJ Waldow, Lauren Vargas and Mitch Joel.
There are on-demand courses available as well focusing on email, writing, search, social media, video, and more.
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00:40 Who makes the iPhones
03:55 Tristan asks about the difference between Facebook Places and Pages
05:25 Voicemail from Carmen – Should you set up a Google+ page as a personal brand? Is there a good way to scrape Facebook (more than the RSS feed)? Check out her Video!
08:07 Mark Cuban on no PR Firms
13:10 Todd asks about how (and if you should) change your content across multiple channels, plug for the Jason Falls interview.
16:13 Twitter campaigns gone awry
17:56 Chris back into Pay Per Click
20:31 The MoC Quarterly Report – Get yours today! Price Break!
21:44 Gear Watch: Zoom Q3HD Camera, iPad 3, Product Release Forecast and NAPP
24:22 Last Chance to Nominate for the Marketing Over Coffee Awards – Closes Monday Feb 6!
24:38 On the road: Chris at Social Fresh in Tampa
25:20 Question of the Week: What’s working for you in PPC?
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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters in the Music Alley from Mevio.
Paying someone $8 per day is not better than paying $8 an hour, it is almost a crime.