In this Marketing Over Coffee:

Learn all about Ocean Marketing, iPhones, Drunk Shopping and more!

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Show length 28:08

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00:35 Happy New Year – Top 10 lists and

03:30 Ron reports on the Ocean Marketing Debacle, and Geico plays it masterfully and Twitter follower case – $2 per follower?

02:06 Best Buy in death spiral? 22 Million devices from Apple and Amazon. WTF I wanted an iPhone.

06:18 Daniel Johnson Jr. sends in a NYTimes link on Drunk Shopping

06:47 From Twitter: Does email work? Which network will be the best platform in 2012. Bufferapp and SocialBro and ManageFlitter

13:26 Twitter – $120k a day to promote your trend, featured accounts, featured tweets, analytics. Facebook adding sponsored stories to feed.

18:56 The MoC Quarterly Report – Get yours today! Your feedback wanted. What’s the pricing strategy?

20:39 Steve Jobs Action Figure

21:47 What are your 3 words for 2012? Marketing and Restoration.

24:49 Why no donate button on the site? No tin cup rattling. Get Marketing White Belt instead.

26:46 Still time to Nominate for the Marketing Over Coffee Awards!

27:10 Question of the Week: What are you doing for 2012?

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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters in the Music Alley from Mevio.