In this Marketing Over Coffee:

Learn all about Kindle Fire, QR Codes and Flipping the Classroom!

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Show length 34:59

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MarketingProfs University โ€“offers monthly online and on-demand learning courses for B2B and B2C marketers.ย  The next course, starting January 12, is Marketing Your Small Business. With eleven small business owners and experts, Marketing Your Small Business will get you on the way to marketing your business simply and effectively.

There are seven on-demand courses available as well focusing on email, writing, search, social media, video, and more. Take the courses at your convenience and become an expert marketer today!

Go to and use code COFFEE to save $250.

02:08 Kindle Fire Unboxing

08:38 QR Codes for Customer Service – Holograms, Eggs and Onions on Facebook

13:28 Google + Guide Firms

14:05 When will Facebook buy Foursquare? Groupon/Foursquare integration

18:48 New listener @EricaGlasier comments on us laughing at Social Media Professionals

21:05 Amazon Kindle vs. iPad in the workplace

22:40 Voicemail: Whitney on Flipping the Classroom

28:10 Regulating the Internet and Culture of Mediocrity

31:37 LinkedIn Group: Does a marketer have to have a smartphone?

33:41 Upcoming Events: Holiday Travel!

34:01 Question of the Week: What do you think of the new Kindles?

Call us on the MOC Comment Line: (888) 323-2771 from Toll Free Freedom Virtual Phone System

Check us out on LinkedIn: John and Chris.

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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters in the Music Alley from Mevio.