In this Marketing Over Coffee:
Learn all about Panda Upgrade, Auto DM Campaign, booth babes, and more!
Show length 26:27
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GOpromos – Custom promotional products at incredibly low prices! Enter to win a Promotional Items Makeover! 1 of 2 prize packages valued over $1,000 – 150 Pens, 24 T-Shirts, 24 coffee mugs, 24 sports packs and 36 coffee tumblers all with your logo! Visit right now to enter.
MarketingProfs University – offers monthly online and on-demand learning courses for both B2B and B2C marketers. The next course, starting November 3, is the Content Marketing Crash Course – learn to create and sustain a great content program with instructors like Jay Baer, Mack Collier, Nancy Duarte, and Ann Handley without having to leave the comfort of your desk. If you can’t make the live courses, take the course on demand any time that suits you! Go to and use code COFFEE to save $250.
01:22 Big SEO Week: Looking on the bright side – Panda wipes out SEO professionals
03:49 Search results encrypted, Getting into AdWords
06:54 Dayparting AdWords, Google Reader feeding Google +
09:38 Chris’ Auto DM Campaign, Recycling Twitter Content, Crowdbooster for Twitter
15:01 Marketing framework from @onboardgames comment
17:50 @edhealy asking about event marketing, Tribes, RFID, booth babes, advanced conferences
23:26 LinkedIn group quiet – Feed not working
23:52 Event Round Up – Daniel Johnson, Jr. and John Blue on location in Kentucky
23:59 Upcoming Events:
BlogWorld Expo and Podcamp LA – Nov. 3-5, 2011, Los Angeles, CA – MOC20, 20% off any pass, MOC50, 50% off Expo
24:12 The 38th Annual Marketing Over Coffee Awards Coming Soon! Susie nominates Steve Jobs.
25:18 Question of the week: Have your SEO strategies changed because of Panda or other Google Changes?
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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters in the Music Alley from Mevio.