In this Marketing Over Coffee:

Learn about Economic Indicators, Social Media for Franchises, New Gear! All this and more…

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Show length 21:38

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GOpromos – Custom promotional products at incredibly low prices! Custom Pens, Water Bottles and of course – Coffee Mugs, and more:

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00:45 Jason Falls, coming soon to a city near you!

01:27 Economic Indicators that Chris keeps track of, and the Job Market

09:30 On trade shows – Michael P. says Chris should set up two big chairs and a video game system (Gears of War 3? Dancing Games?)

10:37 Johnny T. points out the hazard of plugging the new Jason Bateman movie on the Blues Brothers Facebook Page.

11:24 Gear watch – 3D TV? Comcast rolling out $10 broadband.

15:05 From the linkedin group – Social media for a SBO under a franchise, bait and switch email.

20:00 Upcoming Events:

Podcamp NH and Boston

BlogWorld Expo LA – Nov. 3-5, 2011, Los Angeles, CA – MOC20, 20% off any pass, MOC50, 50% off Expo

Mike McAllen sends in Event Camp Silicon Valley 8/24 use MOC as code

20:52 Question of the Week: What’s working for you at Trade Shows?

Call us on the MOC Comment Line: (888) 323-2771 from Toll Free Freedom Virtual Phone System

Check us out on LinkedIn: John and Chris.

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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters in the Music Alley from Mevio.