In this Marketing Over Coffee:

Learn about Google Plus, Permalinks, and Summer Movies! All this and more…

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Show length 24:21

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01:16 Google Plus is here: Circles and Hangouts

08:33 Using Kindle and other eBook programs

09:25 Google contract with Twitter has expired

10:52 Pay for Facebook Ads with your AmEx points

12:37 Daniel Johnson asks about using the postname in permalink structure and database performance, Bryce reccomends CloudFlare

17:04 DNS Acceleration and Steve Gibson tool, Tim Street asks about integrated tools.

19:31 Summer Movies are here! Transformers has a $97M weekend, Captain America hangs out with us at the Dunks

21:04 Gear talk – Canon Point and Shoot (Canon shots, and Canon Video) vs. Sony NEX (Photos)

22:30 Derek Sivers Interview Next Week

22:42 Upcoming Events – Chris at Wharton Business School and WordCamp Boston

23:06 Question of the Week: Are you doing anything interested in Google Plus?

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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters in the Music Alley from Mevio.