In this Marketing Over Coffee:

A Special Interview with David Meerman Scott!

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Show length 32:23

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01:26 Real Time Marketing and PR

04:01 How do large corporations get to real time? Social media is holding you back.

08:22 Marketing Lessons of the Grateful Dead

11:50 Using the Music Industry as a bellweather, Bob Lefsetz

14:56 Other things on the required reading list: The Week, Boston Globe, editors, getting tired of beating Weiner

18:18 Speaking globally

21:04 What’s new – 3rd Edition of New Rules of Marketing and PR

22:48 Changes in the Publishing World, Ladder approach to content

26:29 Marketing Strategy Planning Template

27:06 On Writing

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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters in the Music Alley from Mevio.