In this Marketing Over Coffee:

A special conversation with Markco. We talk with him about his internet marketing and eBook for World of Warcraft

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Show length 28:36

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01:16 Interview with Markco (aka Chris) on internet marketing of WoW Gamer Resources

01:55 Financial success through gaming

03:40 Where’s the value?

05:15 What pushes customers beyond the free materials over the pay wall?

06:30 How to market to your community

09:10 The Game World Economy, and getting off the treadmill

12:31 When to outsource

13:54 Manipulating the WoW economy with common sense economics

16:20 Moving WoW theory into the real world

18:40 Dealing with the commoditization of attention

21:06 Managing the online community

22:46 Where to start?

25:10 What’s next on the roadmap?

Check us out on LinkedIn: John and Chris.

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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters in the Music Alley from Mevio.