Newsletter #3 is out on the blog, which means that subscribers to the Marketing Over Coffee newsletter should be getting newsletter #4 in their inboxes shortly.
Marketing Over Coffee Winter Newsletter
Lest we be accused of being complete and total Scrooges, we’ve got four things for you in the holiday edition of the newsletter, none of which are what we promised on the show would be in the next newsletter.
1. We’re posting newsletter #2 with the OPML file for those who missed it on the blog as we do with every newsletter. Our reward to you, the kind folks who actually open and read these emails is getting the newsletter content first.
Get the list:
2. We’re creating a Marketing Over Coffee community member directory and want you to register yourself in it. We’ll publish a Twitter follow file/guide once everyone’s registered or on January 1, whichever comes first.
Register yourself in the MoC Directory now:
3. If you missed it, here’s the complete list of the 12 Days of Marketing Over Coffee. We’ll be turning this into an eBook in the new year, but figured a helpful link collection will get you started.
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
Day 11:
Day 12:
4. Nominations for the Marketing Over Coffee awards are due by 12/23. Nominate yourself, your company, your blog, whatever. We’ll be doing the award selections before the end of the year, so get your nominations in by 12/23. Simply leave a comment on any of the recent episode blog posts detailing who you’re nominating and why.
5. Finally, we wish you a happy holiday season, no matter what you celebrate.
Want Marketing Over Coffee live at your conferences?
If you’d like to see Marketing Over Coffee at a marketing event near you, make sure you tell event organizers to set aside a session for us to bring you the goods. If you are an event organizer, contact us at to arrange all the usual logistics stuff.
Pimping the coffee
We want you to share Marketing Over Coffee with your friends, coworkers, colleagues, and anyone who will sit still long enough for you to slap some headphones on them. In return, we’ll do our best to keep delivering the goods every week. Please share this email and tell three friends today about Marketing Over Coffee and help them get set up.
Buying the coffee
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