In this Marketing Over Coffee learn :
About Google Adwords PPC Lead Forms, How the Brain Sees Webpages, and Twitter Tools! All this and more…
Show length 24:12
Brought to you by our sponsor Blue Sky Factory
00:30 Should you use frames? Check out iFrames
03:30 Google Adwords PPC lead forms in ads is hot. So is Google Public DNS
06:22 #the5
08:15 How our brains interact with online ads
09:52 Dave asks about tracking opens on PDFs
12:58 Jeff sends over news of TwitSweeper, Jeff from Perkett PR asks about Twitter Tools,, Friend or Follow, TweetDeck, Mutuality, TwitterBatcher
17:47 Chris Christensen sends in his review of the Google Phone, correction from last week – Marketing Science not Marketing Experiments
18:50 Marketing Over Coffee Award Nominees, and the one rejected application – John Blue Nominates AOL
Your Booth is Dead and So is Your Sponsorship
Blogs and Podcasts:
Power to the Small Business by Jay Ehret
The BeanCast by Bob Knorpp
A charity building schools in Cambodia
Manic Mommies Escape! brought over 160 women to Napa Valley.
If you love sports and are interested in the athletes themselves, MVTweet
Visible Logic – for Best Marketing Web Site for a Graphic Design Studio.
Argentinian Wine
Automate Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System (Amver)
A platform that helps companies scale caring!
Winners announced next week!
20:20 Chris announces his Free Agency
21:06 Upocoming Event Watch: ETC Conference in Feb. and College Goal Sunday on Jan 31, eSDc
23:07 Question of the Week: What Twitter Tools have you found useful?
Check us out on LinkedIn: John and Chris
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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters from the Podsafe Music Network.
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