In this Marketing Over Coffee learn :
About Killer Campaigns, More on Local than You’ll Ever Need, What’s that Smell! All this and more…
[audio:]Show length 27:11
Brought to you by our sponsor Blue Sky Factory
00:58 Dunks offering some killer prizes, QR Code Tombstones, Bemoaning the slow news cycle
03:14 Local tips for Becky, Justin wants analytics, Mariana asking about finding local customers online, Matt on small biz non-social
08:10 Do some Market Research, Google Ad Planner, Facebook Media Planner
12:32 Jennifer asked how do we manage our time, John pushes First Things First, and virtual assistants, Macros – Text Expander and Texter, saying “No”.
18:18 Cool Nintendo Gamer Girl Campaign, Chris busts some Warcraft Psychological Profiling.
20:18 Last week Question of The Week: Taguchi stuff over in Gigadial thanks to Karl Kasca, get it on the Gigadial, or go here.
22:32 Upcoming Event Watch: Podcamp Boston – Register Now, MarketingProfs Chicago, BlogWorld / New Media Expo, ScentWorld – Vegas in Nov.
24:30 Question of the Week: C’mon guys, what are you doing for local marketing? This is stuff that can be shared! Also – Know anyone that can do Lucite Awards? The 24th Marketing Over Coffee Awards are coming in Q4.
Check us out on LinkedIn: John and Chris
Sign up for this Podcast in iTunes (and don’t be afraid to give us a review) also add the Gigadial Channel for more Podcasts
Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters from the Podsafe Music Network.
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Oh hey that was me you were talking about! Cool. 🙂
I just listened to that podcast now, actually I'm still in the middle of it (due to vacation intervening). I just want to say I took to heart your comments about local search terms as URLs for micro sites, and it's already shown results. I grabbed and put up some text I'd written awhile back, linked to my site, and within a couple of days both this and my main site were on the first page of google results for the target search terms (i posted to a few blogs and forums with pertinent comments and used that URL, to accelerate the process). It also bumped my main site up to the front page on a couple other search phrases too. Now to get some of the other URLs I bought up and running, with useful, non-fluffy content as well. Thanks guys! You're my favorite marketing podcast! In fact, I can't even stand listening to any of the other ones I've found.
Oh hey that was me you were talking about! Cool. 🙂
I just listened to that podcast now, actually I’m still in the middle of it (due to vacation intervening). I just want to say I took to heart your comments about local search terms as URLs for micro sites, and it’s already shown results. I grabbed and put up some text I’d written awhile back, linked to my site, and within a couple of days both this and my main site were on the first page of google results for the target search terms (i posted to a few blogs and forums with pertinent comments and used that URL, to accelerate the process). It also bumped my main site up to the front page on a couple other search phrases too. Now to get some of the other URLs I bought up and running, with useful, non-fluffy content as well. Thanks guys! You’re my favorite marketing podcast! In fact, I can’t even stand listening to any of the other ones I’ve found.