In this Marketing Over Coffee learn :

About Generating Traffic, Twitter Defense, Subterfuge! All this and more…


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Show length 23:40

Brought to you by our sponsor Blue Sky Factory

00:32 Green Day selling new tracks immediately on Rock Band

01:24 Traffic Burst – Hitting the house list, CNN, StumbleUpon

05:57 Dealing with a Twitter Stalker – blocking, disinformation

08:28 Canary Traps, Society for Competitive Intelligence Professionals, tracking competiton – it’s better than Spymaster!

12:41 Guy Kawasaki twitter strategies and "cheating"

14:36 The King of Madison Avenue by Kenneth Roman

15:25 No takers for Matt Cutts meet up, and no word from him.

16:04 JLBraaten asks: What would you do if you were trying to promote an underutilized tweetup in a city with great potential? Hubspot Twitter Grader Geo, Headliners

21:15 Upcoming Event Watch: Podcamp Boston – Register Now, Inbound Marketing Summit, WebInno July, BlogWorld / New Media Expo

22:09 Question of The Week: We push it again: What are your top 5 site promotion tips? Paul Dunay Sent some Facebook Winners

Check us out on LinkedIn: John and Chris

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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters from the Podsafe Music Network.

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