In this Marketing Over Coffee learn :
About UX, Monetization, and Passing Page Rank! All this and more…
[audio:]Show length 23:51
Brought to you by our sponsors HubSpot and Blue Sky Factory
00:27 Chris gives you an exercise: Draw your web page from memory – SEO/UX trick.
04:55 Chris talks Monetization of Social Media at PAB
06:15 Ranting about streaming from conferences and the expectations of the
crowd at home that they’ll get access to the same material as paid attendees.
08:46 You only get one shot, train for it.
10:04 What’s your hourly paypack on social media?
14:30 Something useful you can actually DO about Iran – find groups setting
up proxy servers and Tor networks that will encrypt
16:58 Jeff asks about inactive domain names.
Is there anything more sophisticated that should be doing with them?
19:21 Veynerchuk and Cass on FIR this Friday LIVE
20:12 We are looking for a new sponsor, vote us up in iTunes, check out Gigadial
20:44 Question of the Week: How did you do on the exercise? Did you remember what your site looks like?
21:18 Upcoming Event Watch: BlogWorld / New Media Expo, Podcamp Boston – Register Now, Inbound Marketing Summit, You already missed Radian 6, but it’s not too late for Future Forward on Thursday where Scott Kirsner and Eric Schwartzman will be.
Check us out on LinkedIn: John and Chris
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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters from the Podsafe Music Network.
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