In this Marketing Over Coffee learn :
About the Kindle, the Economy, SEO and Webinars! All this and more…
[audio:]Show length 25:25
Brought to you by our sponsors HubSpot and Blue Sky Factory
00:48 John Blue – Talks about the end of the magazine industry, the Innovator’s Dilemma, Ohio Highway Patrol on Twitter
03:20 A Pipe for the Economist, using the Kindle as a web browser, Outliers
05:37 Social Media Jungle Boston was big on Twitter, and Twitter is killing blogs. Twitter Search Firefox plugin (not MOC tested or endorsed, use at your own risk)
08:38 WebInno big and MIT Entrerpeneur action increasing – the economy thawing or unemployment getting worse? Economy not looking good yet.
12:00 Question of the week: What survey tools do you use? I use Surveymonkey, Chris likes GoogleDocs and Zoomerang, anything else we should try?
13:19 Michael asks:
We know that blog engines – Word Press et al are really optimized for search. Did the search engines decide blogs were cool and modified search to give them more juice OR did the blog engines modify their structure to be more SEO? Chris points to Google Blog Search.
BTW, can you guys help push Yes we can.
17:14 Matt Cutts with a YouTube timecode tip: Notice the “#t=31m08s” on the end of the url?
17:58 Kyle replies to last week’s question of the week:
The most important stat that I track, as of now, is my sources of traffic. This comes from the fact that my blog is still fairly small, and I want to be able to learn where my traffic comes from in order to make the most effective social media strategy.
19:18 Doug answered the public PR firms question: There are, IPG for example, however they all seem to be marketing firms that do PR, not only. One of the difficulties in PR firms going public is the uncertainty of the cash flow and the generally smallish size.
21:00 Webinars surge in the down economy
Upcoming Event Watch: PRSA in NYC, Tim Street reporting from SXSW, Podcasters Across Borders
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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters from the Podsafe Music Network.
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Hi guys, you were asking about online surveys. One i have not personally used but you might want to check out is the survey tool from
They have a 60 day free trial and it’s less expensive that Survey Monkey.
You’d need to check out whether the analytics and reporting were what you are looking for.
Hope this helps.
You mentioned illuminate for webinars, can you provide a link and compare to adobe’s connect now (the $40 / month version) please?