In this Marketing Over Coffee learn :

About Taguchi testing with Google Tools, surveying and some resources on design. All this and more…

Show length 25:00

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Brought to you by Blue Sky Factory and MarketingProfs

00:32 Google Website Optimizer Tools, A/B testing and Taguchi

Google Website Optimizer

Avinash Kaushik’s 4Q survey. What is your site supposed to do?

09:30 The boffin sent over touches upon Tufte’s Visual Display of Quantitative Information (who is in Presentation ZEN) and Occam’s Razor

12:12 Evolving past search – to Predictive Analytics, Tin Foil hat, and the Digital Nervous System

18:40 A new system for promoting musical artists

20:25 On Design – Don’t Make me Think by Steve Krug, The Design of Sites, The Timeless Way of Building by Christopher Alexander

John has the Social Media Roast for Scott Monty coming up July 11th

Chris at the MITX at DLA July 15th

Both of us will be at Podcamp Boston 3

Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters from the Podsafe Music Network


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