In this Marketing Over Coffee learn :

About spinning a PR Crisis, Marketers as deceivers and liars, and the Google Dance. All this and more…

Show length 23:45

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00:38 Rachel Ray’s Posters get Oven Toasted (spot the terrorist), what do you do when a PR Crisis arises? Re-spin!

03:37 Robin from the Looking Good Naked Podcast asks about deception and we talk surveillance.

PodCamp Philly neat tradeshow attraction.

08:33 Saul Colt checks in on making your booth more interesting than everyone else on the floor, we ask about giving up on brochures.

11:43 Time to Google Dance! Ride it out. Chris’ theory of 11. Google Blogoscoped. Avinash’s Web Analytics in an Hour a Day, and 10-90 Rule, New APIs

18:58 Jeff Cutler on knowing your audience. Learn how your customers read and write.

Chris at MarketingProfs B2B in June with a FlipCam and then Podcamp Boston 3

John off to PRSA in NYC

Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters from the Podsafe Music Network

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