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Beware the Blacklist

In this Marketing Over Coffee learn :
About the BLACKLIST, sponsored email blasts and getting a career in Marketing. All this and more…

Show length 24:13


Brought to you by and Blue Sky Factory

01:00 Check out DM talk on the Beancast and subscribe to Marketing Casts on Gigadial

02:26 Carlos asks about Podcamp recordings

04:50 He also asks about getting Blacklisted and how to fix it. Spamhaus, Spamcop, eprompter (set up POP accounts), seeding and throttling outgoing mail

11:04 Plugins for Blogger, Using Google Sitemaps with WordPress

13:26 John Blue calls in about sponsored mailings vs. email list rental, broker services for opt outs

15:50 Get the house list when you sponsor a show

17:10 Daniel Johnson Jr. asks for advice on how to break into marketing. Be a sales engineer or work for a small company, and believe in what you sell.

Chris in Portland at EASFAA, Podcamp Boston 3 is coming

John continues the wedding tour, Scranton was fun, San Jose is Next

Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters from the Podsafe Music Network

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